same individuals

  1. Anakrynthos

    Elections that will be Fair

    I pray that God will guide the voters so that on November 5, 2024, those people elected into the positions of United States President, Vice President of the United States, United States Senators, and United States Representatives for the United States House of Representatives will strictly obey...
  2. Endemeleus

    I have reason to believe that my ...

    I have reason to believe that my mother forged my birth certificate and social or gave me the wrong documents to hide some kind of secret. Obviously as a child I kept these documents because that's what you're taught, but they basically committed fraud and involved me into it. Not only that I...
  3. Hilasmeira

    Please pray that God will give healing ...

    Please pray that God will give healing to anyone else that has been victimized by the same individuals that abused me growing up.
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