samaritan woman

  1. Intercessor

    Pray for The Peace of Jerusalem (Ps 122:6; Isaiah 62:6-7; Gen 12:3; Zech 2:5; Zech 2:8-9, John 4:22)

    ```html Heavenly Father, thank you for the peace of Jerusalem, and all who love Jerusalem shall prosper and be secure (Ps 122:6). Thank you that you bless those who bless Abraham and his descendants, and curse those who curse him. (Gen 12:3). Thank you that you were a wall of fire around...
  2. Kyle

    A workout experience for Jesus.

    What it becomes impossible for you today, it will become something wonderful with Jesus help and grace. Yes, we may not be there yet, but with proper workout we are closer to where we want to be. Jesus want us all healthy and in good spirits to share with others what God has done in our life...
  3. SisterMacmillan

    Women of God needs you.

    All women who love Jesus are on track to enter heaven. But, now they need your help and prayer because some of them lost their jobs and are unabled to support their families. Ask Jesus to bless all of them. Not to worry,not to fear about the future. Jesus is in control of everything...
  4. Charlestown

    Interacting with others.

    Jesus want us to be true witness for Him. He said. God ye therefore unto all nations and preach, teach and admonish. Lo I am with always even to the end of the earth. Let us all recognize that every interaction we have is an opportunity to make a positive impact on others. Just like...
  5. jorgelor

    There is a River!

    Following Jesus is not Easy, but he Loves us and want's us to come to him. The Lord wants us to come to him with a Thirst for him Like needing Water when it is a Hot day! The Lord will provide all of our needs. I Thank the Lord for my Blessings and that from my Blessings I can bless others in...
  6. jorgelor

    God is my Source when I am Thirsty!

    There Is A River lyrics There came a sound from Heaven Like a rushing,wind It filled their hearts with singing And gave them peace within The prophet gave this promise He said, the Spirit will descend And from your inner being A river with no end! There is a river, that flows from deep...
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