Provide income and clear direction to the job I really want. Let me display a great personality, good sense of humor and ability to do the job. Give high favor to get the best job or start my own business. Let me hear from God and have peace and relax through this time of waiting for a job and...
I desparately need a sale, I have gone 3 days without a sale, and I am so behind my sales quota, Please god help me get a sale, I feel useless. I don't want to experience another day without a sale get beaten, If I don't get a sale I get beaten, I really need your blessing I am black and blue...
Please help me to be able to receive the second sss assistance. Please help me to be able to pay for my loans. So that I don't become a burden to others. Please help me to always have a lot of customers who will trust me. Please help me to be able to give the best correction to all my patients...