Two Christian women have begun two-year prison sentences for involvement in church activities. Ask God to strengthen and sustain Fariba Dalir - who is recently married - and Sakine (Mehri) Behjati, and pray that the Iranian justice system will be provoked to overturn the rulings.
Thanks so...
church activities
country: united kingdom
fariba dalir
iranian justice system
ireland diary
open doors
two christian women
two prison sentences
While most Christian families in Iran celebrated Easter Saturday on April 16, for our sisters Fariba Dalir and Sakine (Mehri) Behjati, the holiday was bittersweet. Instead of preparing for a day of celebration of their faith's greatest day, according to Article 18, the two women started two-year...
4 other christian converts
country: united kingdom
evangelical christian church
infamous evin prison
most christian families
nine christian converts
two brave women firm
usa text alert
zionist christianity iranian justice