Please Pray for my Grandaugther Ausanae to always make it to Saginaw university safety and to be there safety and always make it home safety. Please Pray for my entire family to always make it back and fourth safety no matter where we going to or coming from. Please Pray for no accidents and for...
Please Pray for my Grandaughter Ausanae to always make it back and fourth and home safey from her classes in Saginaw and her internship and when she go visiting in Ohio and for my daughter in law Kia to always make it back and fourth and home safey from her classes in washtenaw. Please Pray for...
Please Pray for my Grandaugther Ausanae to always make it back and fourth to college in Saginaw and to Ohio and to and from her internship. Please pray for all my grandchildren that’s driving and there friends and our family and everyone to be safe and cover us all and our cars with the BLOOD of...