safety strength

  1. Wylandadh

    Persecuted Christians - Afghanistan

    When the Taliban took over AFghanistan, may Christians fled. Pray for believers who have chosen to stay to be a witness for the Lord - for safety, strength and opportunities - as they adjust to life under the country's new leadership. Thanks so much for praying, God bless. Taken from Open...
  2. Anonymous

    Trust safety & strength

    Feeling off balance need to protect my steps not been sleeping well, weakness & the cause of this. Please prayers that our personal info be protected the enemy is trying to intimidate by possibly leaking my info to distant people in our lives, prayers from any smear campaign the enemy may try to...
  3. dcrandjr

    Please pray for safety, strength and wisdom ...

    Please pray for safety, strength and wisdom for all of the people working to uncover the fraudulence and cheating in the election, so that everything can be made right. Then President Trump will be declared the winner because he did win the election. Thank you. God bless.
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