Requesting prayer to untangle all the problems in my life in a peaceful way. Lord Jesus protect me and everyone around me so that I can lead a happy and safe life
Thank you Lord for another wonderful day thank you for loving me and being my Abba Father. Thank you for helping me getting the help Roan so needed to get rid and clean of this hectic drug addiction 🙏giving him and his family good doors to open for a blessed and safe life Jesus you are my Rock!
Myself simran lakra daughter of anup lakra who is in prison for last two months want him to come back as I am missing him very badly and wants to see him. He would come back home and live a happy and safe life onwards. Please pray for him so that now he would get bail and could come back home...
My girlfriend father anup lakra who is in prison for last 1 month should get bail as soon as possible so that he would come back home and live a happy and safe life. His family is waiting for him to come back home. Pray in the of Jesus Christ. Amen.
My girlfriend father anup lakra who is in prison for last 22 days should get bail as soon as possible and would come back home and live a happy and safe life onwards. His family are in tension for and wants to see him back home. Pray in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Pray in the name of Jesus Christ for my girlfriend father anup that he would come back as soon as possible and would get the bail easily and remove all the obstacles from his life and give him a safe life onwards. Amen
Pleas for my son who wife is cheating on him and living a naging life pleas help her change her tought and lived a safe life ;hder name is suzie from guyana