Hebrews 3:7-4:11
Dear Father,
I long to enter into your rest - into creative work that is effortless, into joyous activity in which there is no fatigue, into glorious praise of which I will not tire! Thank you for the Good News that there remains a Sabbath Rest for the people of God.
Keep me...
4 11 dear father
ancient people
commercial use
country: local intranet
creative work
devos pwp
eldon degge http feeds feedburner com r
glittering things
glorious eternity
glorious praise
good news
joyous activity
meridian publishing
wilderness wanderings
written consent heartlight
I thank you Yahshua, that because of your grace and mercy you are the giver of good gifts. I thank you Yahshua, that your Holy Spirit dispels chaos and fear everywhere he goes. I ask you Yahshua, to forgive me for the times in my life that I have purposefully chosen chaos and anxiety rather...
country: united kingdom
healing touch father
heartbeat father
rest father
ungodly dimensions
yahshua break shatter dissolve