Please let your judgement be swift and painless. The United States has voted for a false prophet, who has tricked your flock. I would prefer a meteor strike to learning to speak Russian. May ### get his sooner than later. In Jesus’s Name. Amen
Thank you lord jesus for grace i had recieved from you..thank you also for the work you assigned me and just finished contract and safely coming back in philippines home...thank u .jesus christ..i pray for the russian and ukraine country have peace talk and stop jesus name amen
My boyfriend René is very attractive and charismatic, and even in front of me they would like to steal it and end our relationship, I can realize that there are several looking to stay with him, by the way thanks to globalization they are of various nationalities and it worries me in special a...
My boyfriend René is very attractive and charismatic, and even in front of me they would like to steal it and end our relationship, I can realize that there are several looking to stay with him, by the way thanks to globalization they are of various nationalities and it worries me in special a...