Abba Father, I humbly ask that you will remove the stubborn spirit of grumbling and arguing from my heart so that I may be changed and become more like you according to the following scripture:
"Do everything without grumbling or arguing" Philippians 2:14
I place my prayer at your feet...
abba father
cleansing blood
country: united kingdom
following scripture
high priest
holy name
holy temple
ruach ha'kodesh
savior advocate
son yahshua
stubborn spirit
stubborn spirit of grumbling
Oh Abba Father, who bestows all spiritual blessings and rewards for all of humanity, as I read through 100 Bible verses on self-confidence from you, let it be one of my major foundation stones so that I can do my daily spiritual work. While the local rate of Covid-19 infections are still...
Oh Abba Father, creator of the spiritual and natural worlds, this morning I ask you that your spiritual medicine will help me to awake out of my spiritual madness, recover and be fully cured. Because your son Yahshua died on the tree for me, paid the price of my wages of sin for me and still...
Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the spiritual bank accounts of abundant blessings and rewards for all generations of humanity, I can't hear from you because I haven't sought you deeply enough which makes it very hard even if I am following my spiritual to-do-list. Abba, if you...
abba father
country: united kingdom
daily convict
following things
list abba
lot of spiritual difficulty
ruach ha'kodesh
spiritual bank accounts of abundant blessings
spiritual father of truth
word of truth
Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the spiritual bank accounts of abundant blessings and rewards for humanity, i confess that I disobeyed you. As a result of my disobedience, you turned away your face and refused to speak to me unless I take accountability for my sinful acts. I...
country: united kingdom
holy spirit
lost dreams
night demons
precious son yahshua
prodigal son
ruach ha'kodesh
sinful acts of pornography
spirit world
unsung spirit
Abba Father, creator of the heavens and the earth, I am ready, waiting and willing for Ruach Ha'Kodesh to begin confronting me with my spiritual diseases with spiritual cures that he reveals with regards to the issues outlined in my own spiritual to-do-list. These exposed truths will be...
Abba Father, I thank you for making me in Your image and for creating me beautiful. I repent for the abuse that I have put upon my temple that you’ve entrusted to me. Forgive me for my lack of exercise, for not practicing portion control, for eating because of my emotions and not because of...
Abba Father, creator of the heavens and the earth, I am ready, waiting and willing for Ruach Ha'Kodesh to begin confronting me with my spiritual diseases with spiritual cures that he reveals with regards to the issues outlined in my own spiritual to-do-list. These exposed truths will be tearful...
abba father creator
country: united kingdom
lost sheep
ruach ha'kodesh
spirit world
spiritual blindness
spiritual cures
spiritual diseases
unseen world
unsung spirit
Oh Abba Father, creator of heaven of heavens and the earth, please look kindly on my sick wife who is sleeping and restore her back to full health as you originally intended for her. You as the supreme medical doctor, knows what she has been through even though I failed to appreciate it. Please...
Oh Abba Father, l don't have any dreams. I would like you to give back to me all my lost dreams that were stolen from me so that you can show me what is happening in the spirit world or unseen world.
I am no longer replying on my understanding but relying on you. I ask that you will also point...
Master Yahshua my saviour, advocate and high priest, the way, the truth, and the life, I humbly ask that you will remove the stubborn spirits of grumbling and arguing from my heart so that I fully become more like you according to the following scripture: "Do everything without grumbling or...
Abba Father, I humbly ask that you will remove the stubborn spirit of grumbling and arguing from my heart so that I fully become more like you according to the following scripture: "Do everything without grumbling or arguing" Philippians 2:14
In the name of your son Yahshua my saviour, advocate...
abba father
country: united kingdom
following scripture
high priest
ruach ha'kodesh
savior advocate
son yahshua
stubborn spirit of grumbling