rp hub server advertising

  1. Kittybuggy

    Prayer for a miracle(Tags like Death, happy, Mane, etc are people I'm talking about)

    Yesterday I did something unexpectedly stupid.. I send an apology email to the person who owns RP Hub Server Advertising and instead of accepting it and being a little bit nice, he sounded really upset and rude about it. I really messed up this time more that when I spammed Canadian. I wish...
  2. Kittybuggy

    Discord Wishes

    Heavenly Father, It's been a while since I've been in a nightmare and all I want is: 1. To be unban from all the discord servers I've been ban and blacklisted from including Crescent Hub Roleplay(and be partner Manger again), RP Hub | Server Advertising (and be off the blacklist), The Simple...
  3. Kittybuggy

    God, all I wish for is to ...

    God, all I wish for is to be given another chance to rejoin Crescent Hub(and be a Partner Manger)😔, RP Hub | Server Advertising(and off the blacklist), The Simple Roleplay, yourfriendsteven's servers, Thea's server, and Ever Rat's server. I wish Death, Happy, Ever Rat, Mane, Miss Divvi...
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