rough ride

  1. Awivis


    Father bless the coming year. Last is was a rough ride to many close to me and myself too. Finacial blessings and other kind of blessing too would be welcome. Healing from aflictions during the coming. Stregthening of my relationship whit my spouse. And growing closer to you God and being more...
  2. Ylescea

    Thank you Lord for all you have ...

    Thank you Lord for all you have done for me! Father PLESE in Jesus name help me lay these cigarettes down that's the wat to my be gone and my breathing could and will be restored! Lord the foo and my eating to loose weight Lord I need you to guide me in Jesus name! Lord be with all of us for the...
  3. Awivis


    We seem to have found agreement. But seriously Father let her come to know Christ fully and heal her. This whole thing whit her fluxuating moods is very taxing as her loved one. I praise you for giving me the love towards here and your continued guidance Father. Despite this is rough ride for me...
  4. philologus


    Re - Jobless | Debt In the above post I had pleaded for getting rid of debts and procuring a job. It has been a rough ride so far. I am still jobless but through the precious prayers of the saints, in the abundant grace of Christ I could get a freelance gig which could help me sustain with my...
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