Lord please please remove absolutely all fat all fat that's tormeng me please lord from my whole stomach hips whole body under arms permanently permanently forever right now never ever return ever in jesus christ name lord please please make my whole motablism please very very fast right now...
Lord I ask you please your words say ask and I will recieve lord I.ask.you please remove permanently absolutely all every lumbs bumbs rough bits marks scars pit holes lumby bumby bits mila spots from.above my eyes permanently right now please lord make my upper eyes incredibly smooth scars...
All every pain in my teeth gums be permanently gone from yne roots right now right now never ever return ever in jesus christ name absolutely all every lumbs bumbs rough bits lumby bumby bits marks scars spots mila puckerh bits dark circles hollows lines wrinkles excess skin pale skin dry skin...
Lore your words say adm and I will recieve I ask you please please lord permanently remove absolutely all every lumbs bumbs raised bits rough bits lumby bumby bits puckerh hitx pit holes above both my eyes permanently now in jesus christ name absolutely all every dark circles hollows lines...
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
dij tired eyes
dry skin dull
jy upper eyes
lumpy bumby bits puckerh hitx pit holes
red viebx moles
red viens pigmentation
skin neck body vagiva area
Lord lord please please remove permanently absolutely all swelling puffiness lumbs bumvs raised bits rough bits grained hits lines wrinkles dark circles hollows burning nipping stinging absolutely all everh skin issues problems from under my eyes whole face now permanently from tne absolutely...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve lord please please remove absolutely all burning niooing stinging pain discomfort boosters redness pinkness lumbs bumbs absolutely all r8ugh bits absolutely all grained hits absolutely all spits pimples deep lime lines wrinkles dark circles hollows...
Lord please remove absolutely all every skin problems burning nipping absolutely all swelling redness pinkness absolutely all lines wrinkles bllumbx bumbs absolutely all rough bits grained bits all every spits pimples absolutely all every skin issues problems under my left eye whole face skin...
Lord your words say adk a d I will recieve I ask you please touch completely heal geal restore under my left ete now by your power in jesus christ name lord please perform miracles wonders of healing under my left eye now in jesus christ name lord please remove absolutely all pain sensitivity...
country: unknown
face neck body
grained bits lines
left eye right eyes white skin
radiant glowing glorious wrinkles free blemish
right bitsroughbits
skin issues problems
white bits tes bits
white hard spots
Lord please please remove absolutely all skin issue problems all swelling all puffiness excess skin pain sensitivity discomfort redness pinkness marks scars lines wrinkles hard whire spits absolutely all spits pimples all rough bits all every grained bits all every lines wrinkles spits pimples...
Lord lord your words day ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord touch completely totally heal restore under my left eye in absolutely every way firm now by your mighty pretty lord please rekive all swelling all pain all puffiness pinkness redness all everh lumbs bumbs excess skin...
Lord please please touch completlu totally heal restore please lord under my left eye ij absolutely every way by your power rught now in jesus christ name lord please lord absolutely all pain all discomfort all sensitivity absolutely all redness pinkness lungs bumvs hard whire spits spots...
country: unknown
dark circles
excess skin
hard white spits
healing restoration
left eye worm
redness pinkness lungs
skin issues problems
surgeon dr
Lord please please remove absolutely all every skin issues problems pain sensitivity all redness all pinkness absolutely all every marks scars lines wrinkles hard white spots absolutely all rough bits granary bits absolutely all every spots pimples dark circles hollows lines absolutely all every...
Lord I ask you please completely totally heal restore under my left eye in every way right now by yoir power perform miracles and wonders of healing undee my left eye right now please please lord remove absolutely all every pain sensitivity all every lines marks scars rough bits whire hard spots...
Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch completely heal restore under my left ete now by your power perform miracles anx wonders of healing under my left eye now please please remove absolutely all every pain discomfort all ounkness redness excess skin lines...
awesome awsome supernatural favor
country: unknown
dark circles
hollows marks scars
left eye
mighty power
ounkness redness excess skin lines
total agreement
total unity agreement
Lord lord your words says ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove absolutely all pain all resnessvpinkness lines wrinkles marks scars spits pimples hard bits rough bits dark circles hollows under my left eye now by your mighty power perform miracles wonders for me now please make...
country: unknown
dark circles
hard bits
heart life
miracles wonders
resnessvpinkness lines
stronger flourishes
total unity total agreement
wrinkles marks
Lord I ask you please please remove all pain sensitivity absolutely all lines spits pimples raises bits riugh bits dark circles hollows absolutely all every skin problems under my left eye now in jesus christ name make them all completely totally dissappear now by your power in jesus christ namess
Lord please please remove absolutely all pain sensitivity lines rough bits spits grained riugh bits absolutely all every skin problems under my left ete by your power lord please make them absolutely all dissappear permanently right now make undee my left eye incredibly smooth brabd new now in...
Lord please bless today's upper eye surgery i am.havinv with Dr a in every single way bless him please to remove pea sized hard gland no problems at all when I adk him bless hom to please please do 1 more round steriod injections under my left eye when I ask him bless results of upper eye...
country: unknown
humble compassionate kind generous gentle patient
left eye
pea sized hard gland
plenty aesthetics
quality time
round steroid injections
upper eye surgery
wag form
Lord please make My surgeon dr a do more steriod injection please undee my left eye when I ask him next week absolutely no problems at all in all the right places spots and for absolutely all graineth hits rough hits hard bits rough bits all every marks scars lines wrinkles dark circles hollows...
Lord please please permanently remove absolutely all rough bits trainers hits hard bits lines marks scars dark circles hollows every skin issie under my left eye please lord permanently make them absolutely all completlh totally dissappear by your power right now permanently please lord make my...