righteous leader

  1. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Please Pray for Our Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. We are seeing hope in Canada.Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and...
  2. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our...
  3. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our...
  4. Brother in Christ (JC)

    🌐 Pray for Strong Leaders

    This world is erupting in mayhem but our Lord of peace has overcome this world. My Heavenly Father, I ask that You displaced the corrupt rulers and continue to install righteous leader. Thank You Father for those Godly leaders. Lord, in the face of adversity and challenging trials, bless our...
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