My relationship with ### that the power of God keeps us together and faithful. Pray that we have loving open communication every day and are loyal and forgiving towards each other. Pray that our emotional intimacy is not affected and physical attachment and support increases between us. Pray...
I’m ###, Pray for my relationship with ### that the power of God keeps us together and faithful. Pray that we have loving open communication every day and are loyal and forgiving towards each other. Pray that our emotional intimacy is not affected and physical attachment and support increases...
Pray for my relationship with ### that the power of God keeps us together and faithful. Pray that we have loving open communication every day and are loyal and forgiving towards each other. Pray that our emotional intimacy is not affected and physical attachment and support increases between us...
Pray for my relationship with ### that the power of God keeps us together and faithful. Pray that we have loving open communication every day and are loyal and forgiving towards each other. Pray that our emotional intimacy is not affected and physical attachment and support increases between us...
Pray for my relationship with ### that the power of God keeps us together and faithful. Pray that we have loving open communication every day and are loyal and forgiving towards each other. Pray that our emotional intimacy is not affected and physical attachment and support increases between us...
Pray for my relationship with ###. Pray that we have loving open communication and are loyal and forgiving towards each other. Pray that our emotional intimacy is not affected and physical attachment and support increases between us. Pray that we marry quickly to be in right standing with God. I...
Pray for my relationship with ###. Pray that we are loyal and forgiving towards each other and that our emotional and physical support increases between us. Pray that we marry quickly to be in right standing with God. I pray that our friends and family support our decisions.
Heavenly father, thank you for there is non like you 1.l am asking that God should strengthen my faith in Him. 2. That God should give me the grace to keep a right standing with him. 3. That God should please have mercy of me and forgive all my foolishness and sins 4. That God in His mercy...
I keep hearing this scripture more and more and I’m scared and shouldn’t be afraid but I’m searching my heart. Please pray that I get in right standing with God and in true relationship with Him.
Father come before You knowing our need for Your Mercy, Grace, just as we needed Your Power to draw us we did not chose You, You chose us we must humble ourselves give You all credit in Jesus "You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ. "How foolish can you...
Father show me mercy, despite all you have done for me, I keep disappointing you, like someone who have not benefitted from your love and compassion for me and my entire family. Father I want you to help me to always be in right standing with you
Heavenly pls cleanse me of all unrighteousness and pls forgive me of all sins. Pls help so I will never compare to ppl or think of anyone. So I will never repeat any sins. And be in right standing with u.
Heavenly father pls kindly save my two brothers and sister and mom and father. That they will be in right standing with u and that their hearts will be right at all times in your sight and that they will make it to heaven. Pls kindly be in their lives. Amen.
Heavenly pls help me that I will repent of all sins and that u will help me improve in any areas of my life I still need to improve. That I will stop sinning. Pls help me that I will stop living in the past and stop thinking if all those from my past . that I will not remember them anymore. And...
Heavenly pls help me that I will repent of all sins and that u will help me improve in any areas of my life I still need to improve. That I will stop sinning. Pls help me that I will stop living in the past and stop thinking if all those from my past . that I will not remember them anymore. And...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls destroy and put to death all evil eye idolatry witchcraft familiar spirits unforgiveness adultery lust greediness selfishness covetousness gluttony in my life. That Satan and his demons will have no access to my life...
Jesus came to this world to save sinners and open the door to enter heaven. The Righteous One made sin for us so we will be living eternally in heaven. We must and should be in a right standing before God so we will be faultless before His presence.
Word of God became flesh and lived...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That I will totally repent and not sin anymore. That I will be in right standing with u at all times. Amen.
Heavenly father I thank u this morning. I committ myself in your care. Pls break and destroy and put to death totally all sin and disobedience and rebellion and anger and rage in my life. Pls break and destroy and totally put to death all idolatry in my life. Pls break and destroy and totally...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all unrighteousess and all sins. Pls that I will receive my 2019 tax return at my new address in TX. Pls protect me this night and tommorow morning. That I will be in right standing with u and overcome all things. Amen.