Please that my daughter develops the right friendships over the next semester and that her schedule works out to out the right friends in her path. Please pray she has a more positive attitude towards going to school and can overcome her confidence and anxiety issues. Please pray that she trusts...
Desire to keep seeking the Lord's face for godly understanding that it's not by might nor by power but by his spirit and for Jesus to prepare me and lead me to the right friendships that will love God wholeheartedly. Pray for unity in the body of Christ and for my sins to be forgiven.
PRAYERREQUESTFORMYMOTHER. 1. GIVE MY MOTHER A GOOD JOB. Oh Lord, today I pray a prayer of a good job and blesskngs for my mother. Shower her with your blessings each day as she trusts in you. Multiply her blessings, and please provide for her every need. She's there in London all by herself, we...
country: nigeria
genuine person 2
high blood pressure
new painful chapter
prayer request
right decisions right person
rightfriendshipsright man
right places
sickness diabetes
Was getting some cramping on toes and heart burn difficult to sleep, praying to wake earlier so I don’t miss appointments, dear lord please heal me and bring Your help and right friendships and protection