revenue service

  1. Anonymous

    Tax transcripts, employment verification, taxes, start work, lower cost living and health care

    Hello I need the following Asap... 1, to receive the tax transcripts ordered from the revenue service 14 days ago in order to get hired for a company that needs to confirm employment history and file taxes, and, 2, to find a place that can file my taxes by tomorrow’s extension deadline 3, to...
  2. Anonymous

    Move Things Along Quickly

    Hello I need the following Asap... 1, an emergency insurance authorization for a CT scan and that it’s scheduled promptly and to get the care I need, 2, to receive the tax info ordered from the revenue service in order to get hired and file taxes, and, 3, to find more affordable housing or...
  3. Anonymous


    I have to get w2s from two companies as proof of employment in order to be hired by a company that wants to hire me. ONLY ONE COMPANY HAS A W2 (The other Company I made below the threshold and didn’t have aW2). I ask for wisdom on how to get what’s required and favor so The Treasury will both...
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