I see something that I don't understand. Living in a world of sinners, I notice that one unsaved sinner seems to eventually have judgement come down on them, yet another unsaved unrepentant sinner seemingly goes on, seemingly immune to God's judgement. Why would the Bible state God is no...
The interview has been set up.Peaise God!!! It's a couple weeks away and by that time, another months rent will be due and that will be 3 months behind, but God is moving and guiding and I've got to keep trusting Him. We all do. He is no respector of.pereons.He will continue to open up ways...
I keep on believing Christ as this battle that I am fighting for healing from infertility will come to life in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ that is no respector of persons Amen, I am healed from Infertility & will come back before the end of 2023 to testify.
The media {and people in general} seem to focus on one or two problems, and by doing so, it appears that other problems are overlooked. But I say, you don't have to live in Ukraine to have problems, and you don't have to have covid to have problems. Some of us have OTHER problems, whether...
there's a little freckled kid using technology and poindexter of whos actual names I know not but they are the teens and kids that are in the end times trying to manipulate me and control me they need to repent or Die amen and no God is not a respecter of person. God will not grant kids the...
I notice those around me with "victory stories",even unsaved people} yet my situations haven't been resolved.I thought God was no respecter of persons. What am I chopped liver?