I ask prayers that all anticipated reserved Judgements be released in my favor as soon as yesterday. Let the RAF setlement negotiations be completed in the name of the most high.
I requests prayers in that all reserved Judgements by the courts be released in our favour as soon as yesterday.
RAF negotiations setlement let's be speedup and concluded in the name of the most high.
1. I asked prosperity in my finances in the name of Jesus .
2. Asked prayers that RAF negotiations to continue unhindered and the completion of such negotiations be concluded this week in the name if Jesus.
3. Prayers that all reserved Judgements be released as soon as possible and in our favour...
asked prosperity
country: south africa
festive season holidays
raf negotiations
1. Prayer request that RAF negotiations should be finalized and a good setlement provided during the following week ending on 20th Nov 2020.
2. Prayers that all three reserved Judgements be released as soon as yesterday and in our favour in the name of Jesus.
20th nov
country: south africa
following week
good settlement
raf negotiations
three reservedjudgements
1. Prayer request that the reserved Judgements by the two high court matters be released in our favor asap. In the name of the most.
2. The RAF negotiations be speedy and reasonable monetary setlement be reached, in the name of most high God.
3. Prayers that the labour court matter against CPI...
country: south africa
favor asap
high court matters
labor court matter
raf negotiations
reasonable monetary settlement
sc siphokazi
two high court matters
Prayers that I do get funds to pay the legal teams who are going to represent me in Labour courting on 22 October 2020. The amount I am looking at it is R60 000. I was under impression that the outcome of those reserved Judgements would have been released and with thale cost money it will funds...
1. Prayers that both reserved Judgements be released in my favour in the name of the most high God.
2. Prayers of financially breakthrough.
In the name of the most high God. Amen
Prayers requests that it is done the fig tree had withered the mountain which was on my path it has been uprooted and throwed into the see. No weapon formed against me shall never prosper I am a son of God.
We are asking that all reserved Judgements be on my favour and all monies released into...
I ask prayers that they so called demonic witchcraft spirits which attacked one of my twin daughter by the name Rhulani Baloyi be rebuked out of this girl as she belong to Christ. My twin still at grade 11 and I am afraid they will interfere with her studies.
2.Asks prayers that the reserved...
colleen colin's
country: south africa
following ladies
live life
mashudu muzhelele
raf court trial
rhulani baloyi
twin daughter