reserve bank

  1. Bimnac

    Dear in Christ Jesus good morning have ...

    Dear in Christ Jesus good morning have a blessed day please kindly pray for my situation because I am still facing till today that I have been facing much unbearable shameful before everyone of my neighbour due to unavoidable to repay their money which I was deceived by the reserve Bank of India...
  2. Bimnac

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus ...

    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus may God bless you all please kindly help me and pray for my under process to transfer relief fund from the reserve Bank of India, now there is something problem among them and they delaying to make transfer so please kindly pray to God for complete...
  3. Bimnac

    Good evening dear in Christ Jesus may ...

    Good evening dear in Christ Jesus may God bless you and dwelling with you all, my humble request once again please kindly help me and pray for me, your valuable words of prayer is much appreciated to me without your help and prayers I couldn't success whatever my I need now is under process to...
  4. Bimnac

    Good afternoon dear prayers supporters in Christ ...

    Good afternoon dear prayers supporters in Christ Jesus please pray for me I need your help and support for providing financial help towards me cozs I have to pay tomorrow 33000 for transfer of relief fund from reserve Bank of India RBI please kindly extending your valuable time and prayers...
  5. Bimnac

    Dear brother sister in Christ Jesus, please ...

    Dear brother sister in Christ Jesus, please pray for me, your prayer support is much needed because I am facing unbearable burden as well as please pray to make transfer complete to my designated bank account from reserve Bank of India RBI
  6. Bimnac

    Thank you dear brother sister in Christ ...

    Thank you dear brother sister in Christ Jesus your helping hand and prayers support is much appreciated and needed to me please kindly pray for the reserve Bank of India RBI bank staff for assistance and cooperation with immediate transfer to my designated bank account thank you
  7. Bimnac

    Please kindly pray for Reserve Bank of ...

    Please kindly pray for Reserve Bank of India RBI staff and pray for UK embassy who staying in new Delhi because he's going to help me
  8. Bimnac

    Dear brother, sister in Christ Jesus, please ...

    Dear brother, sister in Christ Jesus, please kindly pray for me because I am waiting for providing financial help to pay the sum of amount one Lacs sixteen thousand rupees for court clearance certificate of India to transfer immediate regarding relief fund transfer to my designated bank account...
  9. Bimnac

    Pray for me I feel frustrated and ...

    Pray for me I feel frustrated and disappointed being a poor and needy families, I couldn't pay for another charges which they demanded another charges but I had already paid 250200 ,as much as I could to make transfer regarding relief fund award winning by the crown agent bank WTO was...
  10. Bimnac

    Please kindly pray for me because I ...

    Please kindly pray for me because I am going to complete the work regarding relief fund transfer today, the amount regarding relief fund has been pending more than a month,so please kindly pray for Reserve Bank of India RBI staff to transfer immediately.thanks
  11. Bimnac

    Please pray for me to transfer immediate ...

    Please pray for me to transfer immediate regarding relief fund for low-income people till today pending to transfer to my designated bank account by reserve Bank of India RBI, some how delaying to make transfer,so, please your helping hand and prayers support is much appreciated and needed...
  12. Bimnac

    My name is swaihiam panmei Rani colony ...

    My name is swaihiam panmei Rani colony part 2, 79 gp Lakhinager po jirighat cachar Assam India Pincode 788104 As I trust that the person who are sharing with me, but till today I have not received any information from the reserve Bank of India RBI regarding relief fund award transfer to my...
  13. Bimnac

    I have received from the world trade ...

    I have received from the world trade organisation Katharine 76 UK Wapping way Wapping way Wapping London email address 19 relief fund award for low-income people who are living under poor and needy,by crown agent bank WTO was transferred to the reserve Bank...
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