Lord, Thank you for your grace and love. Thank you for the wonderful admin of this site, for the community of people who pray for each other and build friendships and a community in a time where earthy problems make that more and more rare to obtain. Thank you for the gift of my blessed Aunt...
May P be out of debt and afford to pay his bills, may his phone line be restored! Please kindly pray that God will open the doors of opportunity for needed work for me and for reliable employment for P. Also, may C be quiet and trustful, uplifted. May F be calm; may his heart be softened and may...
For favor and the success of endeavors. Please pray that God will open the doors of opportunity for needed work for me and for reliable employment for P. Also, may C be quiet and trustful, uplifted. May F be calm; may his heart be softened and may He accept things understandingly, not feeling...
Please kindly pray that God will open the doors of opportunity for needed work for me and for reliable employment for P. Also, may C be quiet and trustful, uplifted. May F be calm; may his heart be softened and may He accept things understandingly, not feeling hurt and not showing any opposition...