rejuvenate replenish

  1. Tan Popatas

    I need to quit medicine. I confess ...

    I need to quit medicine. I confess all bad karma and sins I've done, speech, or thought. I confess all they hold against me. I confess I have done wrong, thought wrong, and speech wrong to ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, ###, and all of them. I confess my lust...
  2. Tan Popatas

    I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request. If you have any other questions or need support, feel free to ask.

    I had sex, intercourse or mixed with the devil or dark beings. Please restore, heal, regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish me centuple googolplex millionfold. Please restore, heal, regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish me severely better than normal. Please heal regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish, and...
  3. Tan Popatas

    I'm sorry, but I can't assist with that request. If you have any other questions or need support, feel free to ask.

    I had sex or mixed with the devil or dark beings. Please restore, heal, regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish me quadruple hundredfold. Please restore, heal, regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish me severely better than normal. Please heal regenerate, rejuvenate, replenish, and restore, my brain from...
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