Please pray that any PMS symptoms, and nervosity/tension (hormons), will disappear.
So that I can sleep. I cannot sleep properly for 3-4 days.
It seems like I will have again a period.
Please pray that this will not happen, because I just got rid of it.
It was too long and too excessive...
Pain in my bowels.
Please pray that this will stop.
Also that my period will stop because it lasts for to long now. 7 days. And it came to early.
Please pray for regulation of my menstrual cycle and easy menopause transition. Thank you
Pray that myperiod will stop. It started on 06.june....17 days. Really to long. Couple years ago i had also this kind of problem because of emotional issues. Please pray that it will stop. Regulation of a menstrual cycle. Easy menopause transition. All healthy and normal in my body amen
Heal my cptsd. Heal my unner child. Help her grow up as she should. Heal my depression. Heal my anxiety. Heal my ulcer og whatever it is. Heal my uterus Heal my overweight. Heal my chronic joint pain Heal my regulation of emotions. Amen
Please pray for regulation of my period (4-6 days not 20 days and similar, moderate not very excessive) and menstr cycle (28 days). Healthy menopause transition. I am 50.
Everything healthy and whole in my mouth. Teeth, dental flesh, dental nerves, gumms carrhies or dangerous plaque...