Now I am looking for a part-time job on teaching English to those who are interested, because the children who used to study have already quit, to earn extra money in addition to my regular salary, so that this extra money can be used to pay for various expenses and to save for emergencies. May...
My prayer requests are: To improve: - direct and indirect wealth (my most main concern) to improve and build up my savings, investments, always have continuous money flow and wealth as soon as possible, - better luck, good luck, secure, smooth sailing and success in all life areas including...
bad people
continuous money flow
country: singapore
higher position
higher salary career development
main concern
noble beneficial people
savings investments
smooth sailing
Please pray for my husband to stay loyal and faithful to our marriage. Please pray for all our children to finish a degree so that they may have a good starting point in life. Please help me to always have enough money to be able to pay for my debts and also start giving to my mother again...