ref father

  1. Yltarfiramfe

    Ref father [B]father nearly 8 yers j got.married, ...

    Ref father father nearly 8 yers j got.married, i am thanushka 38 yere old, my husband (upendra)my husband used everytime alcohol and sigartes, he spending more money for that. He evrytjme taking his family side he have 2 sisters, that 2 sisters controlling hjm self, early money also they took...
  2. Yltarfiramfe

    Family problem & dinancial problem

    Ref father father nearly 8 yers j got.married, my husband used everytime alcohol and sugarless, he spending more money for that. He evrytjme taking his family side he have 2 sisters, that 2 sisters controlling hjm self, early money also they took, now we are struggling very financial problem...
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