Lord, your words say ask and I will receive. I ask you, please touch completely, heal, restore under my left eye right now. Please remove absolutely all hard bits, all lumps, all every raised bit, rough bit, all every mark, scar, link bit, hard white spots, lines, wrinkles, dark circles...
country: unknown
hard white spots lines
k body stomach hips scalp
left eye brand new
left eye white skin brand new insurance brand
pake skin dry skin dull skin sensitive skin
puffiness excess skin
radiant glowing brand
strong very deep desire cinnamon
Lord I ask you please your words say ask and I will receive please remove absolutely all every raised bits white bits absolutely all every lump, bumpy bits all every dark circles, hollows, lines under both my eyes permanently right now by your power make them absolutely all disappear now please...
asthma itchy scalp
awesome supernatural wisdom discernment
beauty glory radiant shigina glory
country: unknown
dry skin dull skin
face neck body scalp vagina area
face skin neck
legs body asthma
pale skin sensitive skin
Lord, your words say ask and I will receive. Please remove permanently, absolutely all raised bits, kumby bukby bits, dark circles, hollows, every line, wrinkles under my left eye permanently, right eye permanently, right now, never return ever. Please touch completely, heal, restore under my...
awesome incredible joy
country: unknown
dark circles hollows lines wrinkles
dry skin dull skin dehydrated skin
face neck body vagina area
other girls women
strong very deep divine connection
supernatural skill expertise precision patience
vsginaxarea scalp skin
Very very urgent lord your words say ask and I will receive please remove absolutely all every bumbs white bits lumbs bumbs bumby raised bits white bits dark circles hollows under my left eye right eye permanently now never return ever all puffiness excess skin above my eyes permanently bumb...
Very very very urgent please please all pray lord your words say ask ask and I will receive I ask you please please touch completely heal completely restore under my left eye in absolutely every way form right now by your power in Jesus Christ name please lord remove absolutely all pain all...
brand new brand
brand new skin
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
face skin body
face skin neck body
left eye lid
left eye right eye
puffiness excess skin
Very urgent lord please please remove absolutely all every spots pimples pit holes red viens moles pigmentation marks absolutely all lines wrinkles every all skin problems from my whole fave neck body vagina area scalp rght now never ever return ever please please bless me with brand new under...
country: unknown
face neck body vagina area scalp
lots dates
lumps bumps
single part
single way
skin problems
strong deep divine connection
upper eyes brand new skin brand new teeth
Please all pray Lord please please heal heal deliver me permanently from absolutely all period pains cramps absolutely all every symptoms of pmt absolutely all nervousness all shakyness absolutely all palpations absolutely all thin hair absolutely all every spaces in my hair all itchy scalp...
Lord remove absolutely all every spits pimples red viens moles pigmentation marks absolutely all lines wrinkles absolutely all dark circles hollows pigmentation marks bulgy bits lines under both my eyes all puffiness whatever it is under my left cheekbone permanently all puffiness above my eyes...
Very urgent please pray for me lord please please heal absolutely every part of me my health please lord fill me flood absolutely every single part of me with your healing power mighty streanth peace that passes all human understanding incredibly courage boldness incredibly joy your awsome...
Very urgent lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please touch heal my eyes in absolutely every single way please lord remove absolutely all dryness watering absolutely all every eye problems from my eyes permanently from the roots please lord rigjt now never ever to...
awesome amazing extra firming tightening neck cream
brand new skin
brand new teeth grand new life
country: unknown
dull skin dry skin
great prices
left eye kid
particular things products
super great cheap prices
Very very urgent dry eyes watering eyes absolutely every single all every eye problems leave be gone from my eyes permanently from the absolute roots right now without any delay bump under my left eye kid be gone dissappear permanently from the roots right now in jesus christ name absolutely all...
awesome awsome amazing incredibly beauty glory radiance shigina glory
beauty world youth
brand new brand
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
face body neck vagiba area
new skin brand new teeth brand new life
new skin brand new teeth life
pale skin dry skin
Very very urgent please all.pray lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove permanently absolutely all every dark circles hollows raises bots lines under both my eyes permanently please please lord make under my etes completely totally incredibly brand new as...
Very very urgent please all pray Lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord melt doctor darren heart to Me towards me in every way mightly in jesus name please please make doctor darren please please pay for scan under eye disdolver on the 28th with doctor convery...
Very very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord remove absolutely all all every dark circles hollows bulgy bits raised bits lines under both my eyes from the absolute roots please lord right now without any delay at all...
absolute roots right cheekbone
brand new brand new skin
country: unknown
itchy scalp problems dandruff
left cheekbone right cheekbone
left eye kid scall
left eye lid cheekbone
pale skin dry skin dull skin sensitive skin lines wrinkles
side mouth side face
Lord lord please please remove absolutely all every dark circles hollows every hit of filler all every raised bits bulgy bits lines under both my eyes frkm the roots right now please 🙏 lord make under my eyes brand new incredibly income flat incredibly smooth when I look up down in any mirror at...
Very very very urgent lord I ask you please please remove permanently all every dark circles hollows every single bit of filler absolutely all every raised bots all every bulgh hits lines under both my eyes permanently right now please never ever to return ever in jesus christ name please please...
absolute roots right cheekbone
brand new brand
brand new skin brand new teeth
country: unknown
exact spits places
left right cheekbone
misery loneliness singleness
pale skin dry skin
poverty misfortune asthma symptoms
Very very urgent lord please please make move in every part of Paul a to please please contact me deeply sincerely genuinely abundantly apologies to me ask me to meet up with him one to one for hom to please please tell me he will fix all my teeth for me please the way I want without any delay...
Very very urgent please please all pray I need your prayers lord I ask you please please make doctor darren clinic be open when I call tomorrow morning in jesus christ name make receptionist answer my call when I call doctor darren tomorrow always in jesus name please please by your power make...
awesome beauty glory radiance power wisdom confidence lots
awsome supervision favor
brand new brand new skin
country: unknown
doctor darren clinic
dry skin dull skin
human understanding joy
joy power strength
left eye lid
Very very urgent please all.pray lord lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I stand lord on your words promises I ask you please please remove every all dark circles hollows all absolutely all every raised birs bulgy hits filler under my eyss permanently from thd roots please please...
black heads
brand new brand new brand
country: unknown
dark circles
fluid puffiness bulgy bits
left cheekbone
left eye lid
scalp problems
white heads
Very very urgent please please all.pray lord your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove every bit of filler dark circles hollows under my eyes all every bit of flluod under my left cheekbone bump under my left eye lid all every spots all every pimples all every black...
brand new brand new
cheekbones eye lid scalp
country: unknown
filler dark circles
left cheekbone bump
left eye lid
mobile phone camera videos
scalp problems dandruff
snap chat photographers