Lord please please completely totally heal restore under my left eye in every way right now please lord remove absolutely all white bits raised bits bumpy bits lumps bumbs pain sensitivity dark circles hollows under my left eye now permanently please lord make under my left eye totally...
brand new skin
breast waist bum
bumpy bits lumps bumps
country: unknown
dark circles hollows
face neck body vagina area
financial income savings
full long strong shiny radiant
skin neck
Lord please please remove permanently absolutely all white bits absolutely all raised bits lumbs bumbs pain sensitivity dark circles hollows undee my left eye permanently rght now in jesus christ name please remove absolutely all every skin problems bless red viens moles spits pimples absolutely...
abundant love care
compassion empathy affection attention
country: unknown
face neck body vsgina
face skin scalp stomach hips vagibz area body
pale skin dry skin
quality time faithfulness gentleness kindness generosity romance passion attraction
skin problems lines wrinkles
skin sensitive skin
Very urgent please all pray Lord your words say ask and I will receive I ask you please please Lord to completely totally heal restore under my left eye please Lord in absolutely every single way form right now instantly by your power please Lord in Jesus Christ name Lord please please remove...
Very urgent lord please please touch my skin please make every part of my skin where I got fuller please please go incredibly incredibly smooth right now by your power absolutely absolutely no raised bots lunps bumps every incredibly smooth now please lord in Jesus Christ name please lord remove...
Very urgent lord please please make all absolutely all areas I got filler please please go incredible incredibly totally smooth right now by your power please please remove absolutely all all spits pimples pit holes rashes blemishes red viens pigmentation marks pake skin absolutely all lines...
brand new brand
buggy bits lines
country: unknown
left cheekbone
left eye lid
neck itchy scalp
redveinsmolesredveins pigmentation marks
stretch marks
upper eyes skin
Very urgent lord I ask you please please multiply multiply the whole whole hair please please lord on my whole head incredibly abundantly in every single way where there is absolutely absolutely no no spaces at all it is soo incredibly incredibly thick full long strong radiant grows please...
brand new brand
brand new upper eyes
breast waist bum
country: unknown
face neck body
face skin neck body
left eye lid
scars pot holes
top lip chin side
Lord heal me permanently from absolutely all fear worry anxity deppressioj all tension activation absolutely all nervousness all shakyness absolutely all weakness absolutely all palpations period pains period cramps all pmt symptoms absolutely all thin hair absolutely all spaces in my hair itchy...
Lord I ask you please please heal heal absolutely every single part of me right now fill me flood me with your healing power streanth peave joy incredibly joy lots lots energy motivation power your awsome awsome Inc beauty glory radiance shigigina glory now incredibly abundantly in jesus christ...
awesome inc beauty glory radiance shigigina glory
country: unknown
energy motivation power
financial income savings
healing power strength peace joy
misery sadness sorrow depression anxiety fear
new teeth life
poverty misfortune loneliness singleness lateness
upper eyes skin
Vert very urgent please all pray Lord please please heal me from asthma absolutely all every symptoms of asthma I was born with 45 years ago from the absolute roots right now never ever ever to return ever right now please lord in jesus christ name please lord touch heal my eyes in every single...
awesome awesome healing power
country: unknown
dry skin
dull skin
excess skin lines wrinkles
left cheekbone
left eye lid
mighty strength peace joy energy
sensitive skin
Lord please please heal me permanently from absolutely all deppression absolutely all fear anxity asthma every all symptoms of asthma thin hair spaces in my hair itchy scalp absolutely all fat on my stomach hips absolutely all lines wrinkles spots pimples pit holes red viens moles pigmentation...
Very very urgent please please all pray Lord lord please no no no more lonleyness singleness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection critasism delay obstacles stagnation thin hair itchy scalp lines wrinkles blemishes on my skin absolutely no more dark circles hollows under my eyes...
Very very urgent please all pray I decree and declare absolutely no no more singleness lonleyness lateness in marriage dissappoitments rejection delay obstacles lack poverty asthma symptoms of asthma thin hair itchy scalp dark circles hollows undee my eyes absolutely no bi more spits pimples...
Very very urgent lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please remove permanently from the absolute roots all all absolutely all every dark circles hollows absolutely all bulgy bits raised bits lines under both my eyes from the absolute roots by your power right now...
awesome beauty glory radiance shigina glory
brand new brand
country: unknown
deepest desires expectations
human understanding joy power
neck scalp body vagina area
roots right cheekbone
single area part
swelling fluid filler skin booster
Very very urgent lord please please remove absolutely all all every dark circles hollows absolutely every bit of filler all every bulgy bits raised bits lines under both my eyes from the absolute roots right now by your power please lord in jesus christ name please please lord remove absolutely...
country: unknown
face skin neck
mu vagina area
res veins pigmentation
root right cheekbone
scalp body vagina area
scars pot holes
skin problems
swelling fluid filler skin booster
Very very very urgent I need your prayers lord your words say ask and I will recieve your words say you can do exedenly abundantly above and beyond what I could ever ever possibly ask think imagine pray for lord please please by your power remove please lord absolutely all every dark circles...
Very useful lord I ask you please please exeed exeed every single one of my deepest all my prayers request deepest deepest desires big huge tiny or small please please lord right now always even before I ask in jesus christ name please make doctor darren please please do a scan under my eyes...
country: unknown
dry skin dull skin
face neck body
left cheekbone
left eye lid
lines side mouth
single part
single way part
top class models
Lord lord your words say ask ask and I will recieve please forgive me for all things lord lord please please remove every bit of filler all every bukgy bits raised bits all absolutely all every dark circles hollows under my eyes permanently now please please without any delay In jesus christ...
Very very very useful please please all pray I need your prayers lord your words say ask asm and I will recieve I ask you please please remove dissolve permanently please all every single bit of filler under my eyes all every bulgy bits permanently all every lumps bumps raised bits swelling dark...
Lord please please bless this appoitment woth new dentist on Friday bless new dentist Sarah to be truly wonderful very very skilled great dentist very very gentle compassionate understanding finish off root treatment for me successful do 2 new white crowns back left and for them please please to...
2 new white crowns
brand new brand new skin desire
country: unknown
gentle compassionate understanding
hugh comfortable heels boots
new dentist sarah
particular things products items
root treatment white fillings
super cheap awesome bargain prices
Very urgent lord please please remove every single bit of filler dark circles hollows under my eyes away permanently please where there is absolutely no lumps bumps no raised bits absolutely no bulgy bits at all bless my appointment lord with doctor darren on Monday please please bless him to...
brand new brand new skin
country: unknown
doctor darren
filler dark circles
left cheekbone bump
left eye lid
lumps bumps
nk problems places
right spots places