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  1. Fallyn

    Healing of Covid vaccine injury

    Hello I just want to ask for prayers that I will be healed from the injury from the Covid vaccination. I got one dose j&j and it has completely ruined my life!! Amongst many others I’m having several issues, I couldn’t even make a list of what I experience on a daily basis because I would be...
  2. Tefenium

    Experiencing what I believe is demonic attack. ...

    Experiencing what I believe is demonic attack. I’ve had dreams involving seeing a shadow demon who hid in my walk in closet and caused me to have sleep paralysis. I’ve also had extremely violent dreams. In the most recent one, one of the characters in my dream invoked a demon (named Amon) and he...
  3. Simon Fernandez

    Hello again, I've posted prayer requests before ...

    Hello again, I've posted prayer requests before and asking for prayers for caution battle for our finale court hearing the recent one we had went well and asking prayers God grants our petition for our daughter and gives us the money needed to keep our attonrwy which isnt cheap and its been...
  4. Sedthin

    I pray for any foundational problem that ...

    I pray for any foundational problem that causes sorrow and pain in my life be lifted,every time I am at the peak of my breakthrough something comes and snatch it,e.g I get proposed to and get jilted along the line,the most recent one was my wedding that was supposed to hold last month he just...
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