My wife phoned the police on me and she had told them that I'm at fault. When all along I was the one that was on the receiving end. I have a phone call with the police officer tomorrow to give my side of the story. Jesus, I pray that this won't go any further no more. I ask that this phone call...
I'm dissilusioned..I see things I "didn't ask for" beyond my ability to deal with too, (and God knows this) and I'm on the receiving end of these "unfair breaks". Then, to rub salt in the wounds, I hear of someone more immoral than me, participating in vile sins, and they're getting blessed in...
I m on the receiving end of something that's been going g on since Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden--scapegoating!When something goes wrong in someone's life the "other side" is blamed--the opposite political p a rty someone not in the family etc etc is unfairly blamed for the...
So tired of being on the receiving end of rudeness.More and more I see the fallen nature Moreno how it comes out more in the last days.As described in 2 Timothy"having no natural affection" .They get the victory over us now.Theyhave to pay for their sins(including mistreating others)at the Great...
So tired of being on the receiving end of rudeness.More and more I see the fallen nature Moreno how it comes out more in the last days.As described in 2 Timothy"having no natural affection" .They get the victory over us now.Theyhave to pay for their sins(including mistreating others)at the Great...
Heavenly Father,
I stand before you today with a very very confused heart. I am praying that you help me discern what is for me and not for me.
Karl just called me after a week of no contact. Up to now, I am still in the state of shock. I can’t believe he was the first one to break no contact...
This probably ties in with 2 Timothy but I'm having trouble dealing with rude people with bad manners .Let doors slam in your face don't say thank you like they should have been taught as a kid when you hold it for them,also if you're in a stores peaking with the customer service rep and it was...
J Morris, her family & help attack me & mine via witchcraft on a daily basis. We haven't done anything to be on the receiving end of their wickedness. She doesn't like that her daughter left her to live at my place with my son, her husband. She & her family use witchcraft to touch certain parts...
Pray for My husband.... it's long,av been letting him go since he marries and separates....I feel this deep conviction that it is time to reclaim him back....our properties have been taken by these women n has had children with children are on the receiving end, treated as bastered...
Pls pray for me, may the good Lord cover me with his precious blood as I speak to my Boss in a while about my career path. I am at the receiving end of politics that is not in my favor. May the Lord bless me and my team. May the Lord grant my prayer (1). To not let us be put to shame (2). To...
Unlike alot of Christians, I don't feel "happy" in the midst of things working against me, or as an organized person everything being "wacko" in this world. In fact, I feel that it's beneath me to degrade myself to deal with it.Furthermore, I didn't cause the world to be like this, so why should...
Like I say, I'm tired of RUDE people.There's no excuse for it, come on noone is that stupid that they don't know when they're being rude to others.I think most of it is these people have some kind of complex, so as a defense mechanism they snub the next one. {Like, makes them feel better.Still...
Lately I've been on the receiving end of peoples "mood swings".My customers blame me for unreasonable things, and "go off on me."Like they expect me to do impossible things, don't understand the nature of the job, but "flip out,"sometimes even accusing me of showing favoritism. "Oh you wouldn't...
Some people are overly aggressive ,and to some on the receiving end it's a turnoff. I'm dealing with one such person now, who is "pushing herself" on me in a certain way, and it's becoming a nuisanceThat she gets other things on her mind, where she doesn't have time to breath down my back so much.
Railing against UNFAIRNESS in life,and why God allows it ."free will;", but it's not the will of the person on the receiving end of it.So someones will is always going to be violated. Hence the unfairness."Free will" is designed for the bad guys to get breaks, while. the victims are on the...
I never liked unfairness. Either everyone should get "shone upon" , or everyone should be in the same pit. That in mind, I'm on the recieving end of unfairness and favoritsm a form of unfairness} now,as others have got their stimulus check but I haven't gotten mine yet.And this isn't the only...
Too many threatening experiences in life. I'd rather have a nice stable life where things go smoothly.Don't like the drama, especially when I'm the one on the receiving end of it.
I'll post a praise report,but also can call it a "shock report".after being on the receiving end of all kinds of maladys through life, lately things have been going my way!!Starting with some good news last night, some other things fell into place,my job related timing is working out{no...