rebellious living

  1. Visionary1


    Good Afternoon People of God! As the saying goes: "You got more excuses than a man on his way to prison." One of the most common excuses I hear, when it comes to sin, especially when people think they're being judged, "nobody's perfect;" and while that sentiment is true, with the exception of...
  2. Visionary1


    Good Morning People of God I was just thinking about what I love about this assignment. Certainly the opportunity to serve our Lord and Savior in many of the same ways that He served us, walking the same narrow path with many of the same sufferings and celebrations is priceless. What an...
  3. Visionary1


    Good Morning People of God! As it is written, scriptures says the righteous are not called to repentance. So then if you live an absolutely righteous life, there is no need for repentance. But, if the Word is correct: "All have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory," and like me, you are...
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