Heavenly father.. what exactly is going on? If you are good could you show me somehow? Because of what happened to me I don't understand how or why a good God would allow this to happen to someone that was trying to be who you wanted then and was ready to Martyr for another human being? Why did...
I will never forget thy precepts: for with them thou hast quickened me.
—Psalm 119:93 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
Much like the rules parents have for young children — don't drink what's under the cabinet, don't play in the street, don't walk out from behind parked cars... — God's...
country: reserved
first place
holy bible new international version
international bible society
old testament law
psalm 119 93 kjv thoughts
scripture quotations
young children
zondervan publishing house
Lord I ask and pray that you bring Chris back home so he can handle everything he has to handle. Lord I pray Chris gets a real understanding about what's important and what he needs to do. Keep him focused. Lord motivate chris to concentrate on saving his money so that he can have some financial...
country: united states
financial plan
financial security
good son
great job
great work ethic
holy spirit
mind body
student loans
Lord I ask and pray that you bring Chris back home so he can handle everything he has to handle before he goes out on his own. Lord I pray Chris gets a real understanding about what's important and what he needs to do. Keep him focused. Lord motivate chris to concentrate on saving his money so...
country: united states
financial plan
financial security
good son
great job
great work ethic
holy spirit
mind body
student loans
Lord I ask and pray that you bring Chris back home so he can handle everything he has to handle before he goes out on his own. Lord I pray Chris gets a real understanding about what's important and what he needs to do. Keep him focused. Lord motivate chris to concentrate on saving his money so...
country: united states
financial plan
financial security
good son
great job
great work ethic
holy spirit
mind body
student loans
Lord I ask and pray that you bring Chris back home. Lord I pray Chris gets a real understanding about what's important and what he needs to do. Keep him focused. Help him to continuing doing a great job for his new employer. May they recognize his work ethic. Lord motivate chris to concentrate...