Real story's on YouTube video, I'm not sure if this video is still up to date as it was a few years ago it was filmed. I pray that if it is still occurring today that the Christian community would come together for the ###+ kids under 12 who are being used in a sexual way and most are addicted...
Please pray for my heart; I don't have a deep love for my wife who dearly loves me. I like being wanted but years ago I think I married her out of revenge dating from a breakup of another woman whom I really loved, and had a great friendship with. Not necessarily the most emotionally stable...
Christian quotes...
“Outside of Christ, I am weak; Inside of Christ I am strong.”
“My deepest awareness of myself is that I am deeply loved by Jesus Christ and I have done nothing to earn it or deserve it.”
“Define yourself radically as one beloved by God. This is the true self. Every other...
b s bcpclc
christian quotes
country: united states
deepest awareness
human beings
linda flagg
professional christian life coach encourager
true beauty
true self