Need healing to cartilages, restoration in all joint and full range of motion, also lift more in training, needing more money for food other needs would really like a miracle to pay debts off in one go, also complete desires and goals, glorify the Lord in everything..
Need in to pray and fast more and read, also need in cartilage restoration and full range of motion in joints, and much needed money for car and other needs, also lift more in training and complete desires, and glorify God in everything
Thank You For Your prayers knee heaps better, now have problem in my calf muscle real sore, need in prayer fo4 healing calf and joints new cartilages and full range of motion in all joints also for health products for internal organs, also for train in training to get better and get stronger...
calf muscle real sore need
country: new zealand
fo4 healing calf
health products
internal organs
joints new cartilages
Need more fasting and praying and reading, also health products, healing to cartilages, restoration in all joint and full range of motion, also lift more in training, glorify the Lord in everything..
Thank you for your prayers knee joint cartilage a lot better, Praise the Lord, praying for full full restoration of cartilages ligaments tendons and full range of motion of joints..
Thank you for prayers all glory to God hallelujah, prayer for prayer and readjng and to use the passion for lifting to glorify God, am starting an increase in training tomorrow, with a twist to an old program which the Lord gave me 24 or so years ago, wanting and needing to increase cardio...