Hi brothers, and sisters I am in bit of a puzzle right now. I am born and brought as a Christian and have accepted Christ as my savior but my partner is a Hindu non believer. And we soon have to think about marriage and kids. I love him a lot and so does he. After marriage he will not force me...
Please let my CI take my assignment seriously and help me to get it done. Please allow the pieces of the puzzle to come together to allow me to be successful. Please don’t let it be hard to do. Please let me obtain the skills now to be successful. In his name I pray, Amen.
Called. Sometimes, I think we use that word as an excuse to not do scary things.You know when you think you’ve got it all figured out? Like I have this exact idea of how I should live and should treat people and what I should do with my life. And I feel very confident in it. Even though I know...
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