prosperous love relationship

  1. natasha2

    No depression, love relationship and marriage

    No depression. Disappointment in love matters again. Lord, give me joy, inspiration, motivation, faith, to catch up on sleep, because I couldn't sleep well.... Lord, I pray again and again for a man of my life, that special person who will love and cherish me and love and respect God...
  2. natasha2

    Life partner, Health/protection, appetite, prosperity...

    Life partner for me. Gentleness, kindness. Romance and passion. Sweet beautiful and prosperous love relatiinship and marriage. Amazing partner. Lord make a way where there seems to be no way. Open the doors to my love , happyness and fullfilled life. Amen. I am 53 and feeling anxious as the...
  3. natasha2

    Couple of morning requests

    Protection from any evil. No pain in my left fist. Not swollen. No birds who make dirt on my balcony. Me being extreemely effective in my cleaning, cooking, washing, organizing, decluttering, especially that one corner in my appartement. No anger because of my parents, no lies, pressure...
  4. natasha2

    LIfe partner, sweet marriage

    Meeting the right man for me. Sweet and prosperous love relationship and marriage. Quickly easily effortlesly. No more delays, i am 52.
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