property damage

  1. Qthairoth

    Release from

    My fiancé is in jail. He was drunk and caused property damage. He has a prior extensive criminal background of selling drugs. No violent offenses or stealing. He is a good man with a drinking problem. He has a very important hearing on Thursday. I am asking God to release him. He has to face...
  2. Stitcher

    Father, I praise you and thank you ...

    Father, I praise you and thank you that the tornado that passed through almost directly above us did not touch down. Thank you for protecting us. Please help those who were injured or had property damage. Please help my mother, in her health, finances, and security, and house repairs. Lead me to...
  3. Wyressan

    Need protection from a group who does ...

    Need protection from a group who does drug dealing, machines with frequency that burns my skin, some injuries. Please after 10 years they need to stop hurting me. No more wifi, 5G, threatening voices. They pay me for the property damage and medical, charges. Outside help with this comes to...
  4. Wyressan

    Freedom from a group of predators that ...

    Freedom from a group of predators that stalk 24/hrs a day, do illegal surveilance, bring intrusive thoughts, induce anxiety, interfere and pay me for the property damage inside and out and car damage, healing for all the wounds mentally, physically and financially.
  5. Helplord

    Pray terry do something apt 1 n ...

    Pray terry do something apt 1 n 2 doing a lot of property demage n trying to blame me sandy got a camera but won't call the police pray the truth be revil
  6. Helplord

    Pray the truth be revil I pray ...

    Pray the truth be revil I pray apt 1 n 2 start telling the truth n not make false statements Against me I pray my landlord stop trying to make me pay for something I didn't do that his problem that he is letting apt 1 n 2 do what they want property demage n doing other stuff they shouldn't be...
  7. Helplord

    Plesss pray n agree with in prayer ...

    Plesss pray n agree with in prayer apt 1 n 2 do property demage n breaking the steps they are bad n I can't believe the landlord won't do any allowed this to happen I pray the truth be revil n the landlord do some thing n not blame me Apt 2 Just mad the landlord won't kick us out I been faithful...
  8. Helplord

    Pray terry was a better landlord n ...

    Pray terry was a better landlord n stop allowing apt 1 n 2 do property demage need to stop making so much noise at night I pray for peace n quite pray the truth be revil I can't believe no one else is complaining bout the noise
  9. Helplord

    Pray terry be a better Landlord n ...

    Pray terry be a better Landlord n stop allowing apt 1 n 2 do property demage n than try to blame apt 3 n make me pay for it when o didn’t do anything terry should be shamed of him self for allowing this to happen
  10. Helplord

    Pray the truth be revil n Jennifer ...

    Pray the truth be revil n Jennifer stop running her mouth making false statement against me n pray terry stop being a slum landlord n fix my ceiling n stop allowing apt 1 n 2 do property demage
  11. Helplord

    Pray terry cash my rent n fix ...

    Pray terry cash my rent n fix my ceiling n be a better landlord n do his job n not blame me n stop allowing apt 1 n 2 do property demage
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