One other type of immorality I see happening more as the fallen nature gets more pronounced in the probable last days is, you hear about in schools teachers who have sex with teenage students. Married women, too. That people know right from wrong and don't give in to the "feel good" urges.
In the probable last days, we see things happening where the forces of evil, by virtue of the fact that they're so overbearing,seem to be winning.But what was also made clear to me was that, while the world is celebrating people changing their God given genders .while we can't even have fair...
With everything in the world in these probable last days being backwards and upside down,there are 2 specific things that are hated to the point of illogical thinking,that I'd like to bring before you as a point of is the hatred of God's people Israel .Protests against them...
2 specific things
country: united states
evil intentions
illogical thinking
kangaroo court
opposite political team
outright persecution
presidential candidate trump
top hatred
One type of deception I notice in the probable last days is someone consistently practicing a sin condemned in the Bible yet defending it and calling themselves a Christian.Like I've heard some practicing homosexuals say that you can be gay(unrepentant and defending it) and a Christian.You don't...