Please pray that I will be permanently set free from all demonic activity and oppression related to my previous involvement in the new age. Please pray that God will reveal whether there is anything else in my life that I need to let go of so that this battle can end. The demons associated with...
Please pray that I will be set free from every demonic stronghold that was brought into my life through previous involvement in yoga. I have renounced it but I am still experiencing some of the demonic attacks that were brought into my life because of it such as hearing voices. Please pray that...
Please pray that every demonic door that I opened in my life through previous involvement with witchcraft, the occult and the new age would be closed. Please pray that I would no longer visibly see or sense things in the spiritual realm that I am not supposed to being seeing. Please pray that...
Please pray that God will continue to restore my life from my previous involvement in the new age and the occult. God has been restoring my life in many ways, but in the past few days, things have become difficult again. The spiritual attacks that I have been dealing with and the emotional and...
Please pray for a permanent end to all demonic activity that is causing me to experience physical sensations. Please also pray for the permanent closing of any demonic doors that were opened in my life through previous involvement in the occult.
Please pray over my mind. Please pray that any doors I opened through previous involvement in the occult, yoga or witchcraft would be closed. A few years ago, I made the mistake of "opening my third eye" through a YouTube video. I did not do this intentionally, however, since then, I have been...