Hello everyone my name is stone and recently the woman I love and planned to spend the rest of my life with broke up with me she’s all I ever wanted in life and I feel like satan has tricked her the love we shared was truly one of a kind and made me truly happy I miss her with all of my heart I...
In the world we can see that pretty face will get old in time, a nice body will change, attitudes will become sour, but a good person full of the power of the Holy Spirit will alway be like Jesus, full of love, mercy, compassion and care. So, we need to give ourselves to Jesus and tell Him to...
The mirror reflects our true image. Who we are before the Lord? What does He expect of us? Our souls reflects the beauty of Gods touch to our life. Changing us, cleansing us, purifying our souls. Making us as true image of God.
In every glance, in every tear, in every smile our true...