precious son yahshua

  1. Baswal

    Oh Abba Father creator of the unseen ...

    Oh Abba Father creator of the unseen spiritual and physical worlds who stores all the bank accounts of abundant spiritual blessings and rewards for all humanity, i humbly come before your throne. I confess that I disobeyed you by not following your instructions. As a result of my disobedience...
  2. Baswal

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens ...

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the spiritual bank accounts of abundant blessings and rewards for humanity, i confess that I disobeyed you. As a result of my disobedience, you turned away your face and refused to speak to me unless I take accountability for my sinful acts. I...
  3. Baswal

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens ...

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the bank accounts of abundant spiritual blessings and rewards for humanity, i confess that I disobeyed you. As a result of my disobedience, you turned away your face and refused to speak to me unless I take accountability for my sinful acts. I...
  4. Baswal

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens ...

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores all the bank accounts of abundant spiritual blessings and rewards for humanity, i confess that I disobeyed you by not following your instructions. As a result of my disobedience, you turned away your face and refused to speak to me unless I changed...
  5. Baswal

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens ...

    Oh Abba Father in Heaven of heavens who stores the all bank accounts of abundant spiritual blessings and rewards for humanity, i confess that I disobeyed you by not following your instructions. As a result of my disobedience, you turned away your face and refused to speak to me unless I changed...
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