I was admitted today with hypertension which could be pre-eclampsia. The doctor maybe want to remove the baby tomorrow. I am only ### weeks pregnant and the baby is under weight. Please pray with me for a miracle.
My husband and I recently dealt with infant loss as a result of me getting pre-eclampsia and having to deliver at 23 weeks + 6 days pregnant. Our baby girl passed away a day later. We have always wanted to be parents and are having a hard time navigating this loss and are having difficulty...
My wife just delivered our son, but due to high blood pressure and proteinuria needs to be hospitalised, please pray for her fast recovery and free from Pre-eclampsia, thank you!!!
Prayer that my high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia is healed and God may uphold my health and my baby’s. That God heal my body, and protect my baby and her health, who had to be delivered via (emergency c-section) a few days ago (she was only ### weeks along). We are so tired, my body cannot...