prayer admin ban

  1. Ittakestwotocreateonesohowdidigethere

    Hello my fellow brothers and sisters of ###

    Hello my fellow brothers and sisters of God. I'm coming to you today to ask if I can please get prayer over my body to feel more whole and complete and peace and whatever things or energy's you would say you have known the Lord to cause those feelings. There's something that just floats around...
  2. Gongeryno

    From The Heart 🫀

    Please please pray this prayer verbally to God, I’d highly highly appreciate that my name is Christopher Anthony Chambers from Wembley to be specific with God on whom you are praying for: Father God I thank you for everything, I exalt you, you are sovereign, the name of Jesus is the only name...
  3. Steven Bobb

    Just sharing, but after an incident where ...

    Just sharing, but after an incident where someone abused the "anonymous" name to do something with me, I would like to suggest that Prayeradmin ban anyone from using Anonymous. Just so everyone knows everyone else.
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