praise god

  1. Voghkye

    Prayer For ###

    Please prayer for my two year old grandson he’s been sick, pray for his parents that they will take him to see a Doctor. The little boy have been on my mind because I take care of him and his brother throughout the year and I feel that his parents are not responsible enough. They recently...
  2. Anapla

    Praise God I am better

    I praise Hod that I am better today and had a successful meeting of the ministry I am involved with. My sharing of Devotional insight from 1 Chronicles 16:24 was well taken and was an encouragement for the members. My health is getting better. I am eating better and need to put on some weight...
  3. Jesussaves89

    pleas epra yi can ge tall my ...

    pleas epra yi can ge tall my tasks doen easily and tha tht eLor dheal smy of my helath issues. Lor dpleas ehelp me. plea sie feel so down... please rpray of rmy fmialys slavaiton restoraton and helaign in the nameo fthe Lord Jeus chirs itn every wa.y please pray the Lor djoins me and the husband...
  4. Addonis

    Hello All, This is half praise report, ...

    Hello All, This is half praise report, part prayer request.Firstly, I'm finally oing to be employed again after almost 3 months of being unemployed, it's in anindustry I didn't want to go intobut praiseGod anyway.Now the flip side. I'man audio engineer and have been trying very hard to get a job...
  5. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Lord, may lost souls come to know, a friend is close by, with love, hope and encouragement, by your grace to be here for those that are out of touch with your Divine presence. And, to know the power of the Holy Spirit, within, to comfort and help to those in doubt." 'Amen' 'Praise God'
  6. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us pray not to lose sight of the reality of truth, and to know that deception being a tool of the adversary. Let us pray know, this being the reasoning of acquiring a spiritual attitude and behavior, in all our coming and going." 'Amen' 'Praise God'
  7. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    " Let us pray to know a spiritual awakening, being that of a dimension of reality beyond the confines of the intellectual ego. And, a sound spiritual awakening, hopefully opens the way of a spiritual enlightenment, and here begins an insight of deeper revelations connecting us to a more Christ...
  8. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us pray to understand, each shall be in charge of their own life, and let us pray to hopefully strive to conduct our life the very best we know how, and so in accordance to the teachings of Christ our Lord. And, let us pray to fully grasp the concept of our own responsibility in acting upon...
  9. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us hope and pray to fully understand, and to grasp the depth of this truth, and to know one must first be willing to surrender, and willing to change, and perhaps then, ones life shall shall be more orderly and life becomes more manageable. And, Thank God, this life came to know the truth...
  10. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us pray to fully understand, one of life's greatest challenges shall be the honest willingness to change our attitude and behavior, accordingly, as Christ our Lord God, has put forth, of the way to conduct our lives. And, let us pray to understand, this requires a spiritual concept...
  11. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "I pray of this message to be taken with utmost attention and concern. I pray it to be known, and to know it well. Expecting something for nothing shall be considered foolishness. Let us not trouble ourselves with wanting, and refusing to accept the truth. God's help can only come about by ones...
  12. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "I pray of this message to reach the depth of all those that see the words, but fail to understand the gravity of the message. Willing to change, accordingly." 'I pray of this, in Jesus name...'Amen' 'Praise God'
  13. notforsaken

    Praise God i got we were able ...

    Praise God i got we were able to borrow a small amount rom a friend so we could buy groceries and get Wins to training. Praying now that my internet is not disconnected and i get funds to last till Dec 18. Thanks for all the prayers. Glory to God Hallelujah.
  14. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "I pray of this 'prayer message' to touch the lives of all that are confused and understand not. Each individual shall be responsible and accountable of our attitude and behavior concerning a relationship with the gift of the Holy Spirit. This shall be upon each to put aside selfish and self...
  15. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us pray to know that God's power in our lives, shall only be limited by our spiritual vision. And, being spiritually blind leaves a life vacant of the potential of God's power to manifest in our life. Spiritual manifestation of the Holy Spirit shall bring cause of finding and knowing of a...
  16. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message~

    "I earnestly pray of this to be known to all." ~A miracle would be any beneficial event... such as God's Spirit coming upon troubled lives.~ 'Amen' 'Praise God' :)
  17. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us pray to know of this truth." 'Amen' 'Praise God'
  18. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message~

    "Let us pray to know this, and know it well." 'Amen' 'Praise God'
  19. Bingo

    ~Prayer Message Today~

    "Let us pray that we may become a channel for God's spirit. Let us pray that God's spirit may flow through us into the lives of others." 'Amen' 'Praise God'
  20. Bingo


    "Let us pray to know that living a spiritual life shall bring about a well being that brings cause of an inner peace never known before...believe it. And, thank God, this life before you has come to learn the truth of these words." 'Amen' 'Praise God' :)
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