possible pain

  1. natasha2

    Health - my friends Helena/Slobodan +.me

    Me - no tension, but relaxation of my body. No stomach/diggestive issues like diarrhea, morning stomach nervosity etc. Clear vision, healthy eyes, normal not high blood pressure, healthy dental flesh and teeth, strong teeth, no swellings/cysts.. My friend Slobodan - no cyst near of his tooth...
  2. natasha2

    Tooth cyst/swelling

    My friend Slobodan. Tooth cyst, swelling, no.possible pain.
  3. natasha2

    Tooth inflammation

    Wherever the inflammation is let it be healed and removed and any remain swelling or toxins removed. Any cause of inflammation removed, repaired in Jesus name. Tooth abcess. Also no possible pain or discomfort in the area of teeth, dental flesh, jaw, ear and similar.
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