poor judgment

  1. Steven Bobb

    About poor judgement on the part of ...

    About poor judgement on the part of people(mostly the unsaved but sometimes even Christians.Like usually there's 2 choices the Holy choice and the unholy.And people will mostly choose the wider path, the bad one."Who do you want is to release to you Jesus or Barrabas?"And they...
  2. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray you bring Anthony home

    Lord bring Anthony home. I do not want to loose another nights sleep. I don't want to interact with a drunk/hungover adult male in the morning. Lord put a stop to his poor judgement, reckless, selfish and endangering behavior. He has to commute over an hour to get home on the subway. He is...
  3. Valrise

    World Peace

    Lord, we pray for world Peace, maybe human race unite as one in perfect Harmony. To correct the poor judgment that we have created. To love as one and see ourselves as one, to see and understand the needs of others, to always feed the hungry, heal the sick, shelter the homeless, clothe the...
  4. Steven Bobb

    Wisdom with understanding something.How many times have ...

    Wisdom with understanding something.How many times have I seen this, that someone makes a valid point, and they're in the very slim minority, someone else makes a rigid, non commonsense point, the one making the bad point everyone "lauds," but the other gets shunned. OR, also, one who has it in...
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