Please ministers of the most high God help me in prayers i have marital problem my marriage is at a point of divorce but i believe God Almighty for my solution please a woman of God prayed for me and i manifested that my wife she is not happy with the marriage that's why i am going through...
country: zambia
evans chibula mapulanga
marital problem
picture photos
pointofcontactpointof divorce
severe peptic user
severe peptic user's
terrible situation
university teaching hospital
university teaching hospital of zambia
victoria mvula chibula
zambia kafue
Please Ministers of the most high God help me in prayers i feel strange pain's in my chest and in my stomach but the doctor from the University Teaching Hospital of Zambia told me that i have severe peptic ulcers please the pain's are worring me may God Almighty use you mightily to deliver me...