point of contact

  1. God is gracious indeed

    My marriage restoration and healing in my body i have severe peptic ulcer's and the lining infection please help me and my wife in Jesus name

    Please ministers of the most high God help me in prayers i have marital problem my marriage is at a point of divorce but i believe God Almighty for my solution please a woman of God prayed for me and i manifested that my wife she is not happy with the marriage that's why i am going through...
  2. God is gracious indeed

    Healing from severe peptic ulcers and strange pains in my body

    Please Ministers of the most high God help me in prayers i feel strange pain's in my chest and in my stomach but the doctor from the University Teaching Hospital of Zambia told me that i have severe peptic ulcers please the pain's are worring me may God Almighty use you mightily to deliver me...
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