Mold, poison, and unclean animals. Mold has been placed near where i sleep, in my pillows and bedding, in my hygiene and beauty products. My food has been poisoned and i felt as if i would die. unclean tiny animals are always in my house to make the house dirty and spread diseases. Face has been...
Mold, poison, and unclean animals. Mold has been placed near where i sleep, in my pillows and bedding, in my hygiene and beauty products. My food has been poisoned and i felt as if i would die. unclean tiny animals are always in my house to make the house dirty and spread diseases. Face has been...
Now that Dr. Fauci is saying we should wear 2 masks, one over the other.What is he trying to do, suffocate us altogether? Why doesn't he just tell us to put pillows over each others heads to suffocate each other?It's ridiculous already.Gets worse and worse. That we all make it through this...