pelvis fracture

  1. Miranda T

    Provisions of helpers and new godly relationships

    Pray that God will give me more faith in him about my marriage. Since pelvis fracture happened in 2017, I have been on and off unable to get out of home, unable to sit on the soft chairs in churches and no social life, and very much being discriminated. Pray that God will hv mercy on my injury...
  2. Miranda T

    Pray for healing - heading to emergency

    I am heading to hospital emergency. Pls pray for me that God will heal me from severe upper back, thoracic spine and neck pain and inflammation, affecting expanding my chest to breathe. Not sure if it is due to attack from my own immune system. Due to pelvis fracture, I cannot sit on the...
  3. Miranda T

    Lost of wallet, money and cards

    Because of severe depression, CPTSD and dissociation, I lost my wallet with other money and card, I am living alone no family and friends can help me now, they never or seldom come to my home, physically I got a pelvis fracture a few months ago, I am unable to move all heavy items to find them...
  4. Miranda T

    Selling - Blessing on my small business

    Pray that God will bless me with new business that I can sell off most of my stock in these few months with easy trading. Hope I can have two ends meet to pay for my bills rent and my medical fees and heal my pelvis fracture bless me with a good full time job. Pray that God change the hearts of...
  5. Miranda T

    Need helpers to settle down

    Pray that God will send helpers to help me settle down with suitable free furniture at new home. Pray for complete healing of pelvis fracture n no more bone marrow edema. Pray for new friends who show love n care. New church to go to connect with community that I can adapt well without...
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