In everything strong prayers from your Godly Lord w the PD and this carrier stop throwing my mail all the rain wet porch steps without any plastic around it to protect my mail from the elements please lord we need your mighty help, guidance Protection and cooperation with everyone that they drop...
Help also with these CR forms to fill re. Issues against misconduct against us with the pd. Please guide us with wisdom knowledge and understanding in everything, that all witnesses come forward and cooperate with us as they promised. Bless this week heal head to toe and bloat gastritis stomach...
That the tow charges they unjustly did will be covered by the PD as promised or dropped completely for to lawyer intervention and we get all our possessions back safe and sound and we move forward with the RO Against this wicked evil person that you get them out of our lives for good and keep us...
Please lower this heat Lord and defend us against the evils of Your enemies and have these higher up offices do something to have the Pd do their job please and Fight your battles and protect favor and bring us peace
Most Recent Prayer Requests: 1) I recently lost my service animal: His Excellency Hon. Jake, so I am searching for a new service animal for Parkinson's Disease Plus, Assistance Dogs International program partner (Dementia, Veteran, Mobility, Hearing..Very specialized due to the PD +. 2) My...
assistance dogs international program partner dementia veteran mobility hearing
continued good work
country: united states
excellency hon jake
hud vash case manager honorable ms ginny dillon
new service animal
parkinson's disease research team