passive aggressive comments

  1. Jesusesfriend

    Can't handle another summer with my coworker without God's help & change

    Put succinctly, my coworker is almost impossible for me to deal with . I've been at this job 5 years and she's gotten progressively worse over time, especially since her daughter died 2 1/2 years ago. She is a micromanager, brash, loud, rude, outspoken, domineering, must ALWAYS be in control and...
  2. Cluadorver

    For a decent job, respect, healing and peace

    Please, help me pray for a job with good conditions, where I am treated with respect, and where my work and ideas are valued, and where I have a fair salary. I have been in a job where I was constantly humiliated, harassed, the object of passive-aggressive comments, and constantly threatened...
  3. Anonymous

    Work Place Bullies

    I could use prayer for some workplace bullying I have received. I’ve put up with it for many years but lately I just can’t take it anymore. I get a lot of passive aggressive comments and laughed at from 2 of them and I have stayed very professional and quiet and try to be godly but lately I just...
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